Be The Best Version of You #liveLIVELY
These past few months I’ve become way more active and appreciative of the wonderful natural activities (and food!) that the world has to offer. Even if it is just going for a quick walk in the park, working out in my my apartment or taking a pilates class I have put in a conscious effort to increase the physical activity in my life because I’ve realized that it is directly connected to me being the best and happiest version of myself. This being said, as most workout fanatics can relate to, it doesn’t take much to convince me to wear my workout clothes all day – to make sure that I get my workout in at night if my morning is too busy. This passion for being active has also been coupled with a heightened interest and understanding of fashion, which I gained through the Fashion and Philosophy classes I took while in London. My new dilemma became the need to find an active-inspired brand that was both comfortable and fashionable – this is where LIVELY stepped in.
When they first reached out to my about doing a partnership I was unsure of what their philosophy was. They claimed to be an athleisure brand that blurred the lines of lingerie, activewear and swim creating their own term “Leisuree.” After doing a bit of research I began to understand what the brand stood for and who it means to cater to, and I fell in love with it. LIVELY is a brand that is inspired by what makes women sexy – being smart, healthy, active and outgoing. It aspires to inspire and empower women to live life doing what they love, with the people they love. This is definitely something I can get behind.
The brand just launched a few months ago, but it already has awesome products on the market made from the highest quality materials. LIVELY owns its own factory and is able to control the entire process of making their garments, which ensures the quality of the pieces and good conditions of the workers. I love the Birds of Paradise T-Shirt Bra and the Geo-Lace Bralette which is perfect to wear with comfy loungewear or while doing yoga.
Being active makes my quality of life better because I am happier, healthier and more confident. Having a go-to outfit that makes me look great and feel comfortable in, both while working out and relaxing, is something that makes my day easier and contributes to my confidence. It is taking note of little details like this that will help you change your quality of life as well, and when you start to act on them, you will be on your way to being the best version of yourself you can be!
Stay Classy & #liveLIVELY! xx