Tag: treat yourself

Go (Coco)nuts for Tropical Hawaiian Hydration

Go (Coco)nuts for Tropical Hawaiian Hydration

The weather is finally nice out and it’s time to break out the summer clothes. As the sun starts shining brighter and spring turns into summer (in just a few days!) we are going to start spending more time outdoors. Before we know it we’ll 

Red Velvet NYC Makes Celebrating Life Easy

There’s always something to celebrate! Our minds and the media are always geared towards focusing on the negative. Too often we think of the things we want and don’t have instead of appreciating what we have been blessed with. When Red Velvet NYC reached out 

Cinnamon Sugar Crackle Cookies

Cinnamon Sugar Crackle Cookies

It seems to be a proven fact that whenever I get stressed I quickly gravitate to the kitchen. Making something cute and delicious out of just a few ingredients is a sort of catharsis for me and it gets me out of reality for a 

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

A huge part of my workout motivation is all of the delicious healthy food that I get to make to go along with it. I live for my two over easy eggs on a bed of spinach and rocket and avocado toast in the morning. 

Viva La Vive – The App That Is Going To Make Your Holiday Beauty Routine 100x Easier

Viva La Vive – The App That Is Going To Make Your Holiday Beauty Routine 100x Easier

I’m a self-admitted makeup junkie and proud of it. Even though for me there’s no such thing as a makeup bag, more like an overflowing set of three bags, shelves and counters with enough products to service two large families of females, or perhaps an 

Sweet View: Hoboken, NJ

Sweet View: Hoboken, NJ

             There’s something about summer that can turn a pastry run into an all-day leisurely stroll. Maybe it is an innate appreciation for beautiful weather and surroundings that causes us to get excited to spend time outdoors, or a Vitamin D deficiency from months 

Classy Chocolate Chip Cookies

Classy Chocolate Chip Cookies

A classy spin on a classic childhood favorite. Best if enjoyed warm out of the oven, with a glass of milk. Let’s Get Started: 2 ¼ cups all-purpose flour ½ teaspoon baking soda 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature* ¾ cup granulated sugar