Tag: style


If you guys have been following along with me on social media the past few weeks you’ve seen a preview of how awesome NYFW is. It’s a fun and trendy expression of art, philosophy and style that brings together stylish influencers and celebrities from all 

Getting Glammed For New York Fashion Week

The six degrees of separation never ceases to amaze me. The theory was actually proposed by a Hungarian writer (how fitting!!) Frigyes Karinthy in 1929. It basically says that anyone on the planet can be connected to another person on the planet through a chain 

Be The Best Version of You #liveLIVELY

These past few months I’ve become way more active and appreciative of the wonderful natural activities (and food!) that the world has to offer. Even if it is just going for a quick walk in the park, working out in my my apartment or taking 

Root For Your Favorite NCAA Team With Jamberry!

Root For Your Favorite NCAA Team With Jamberry!

The 2016 NCAA Championships are coming to a close! Last night UNC beat Syracuse and Villanova crushed Oklahoma. Out of my bracket, I’ve only got UNC still standing – but hey, they could be the winners of the whole tournament which would be awesome for 

Classy & Comfy Collaboration With No Nonsense

Classy & Comfy Collaboration With No Nonsense

Because dressy leggings are so much better than jeans.

Trending: Jamberry Nail Stickers

Trending: Jamberry Nail Stickers

            It has happened to me countless times where I am sitting on an early morning train en route to work, half-asleep, when it hits me. I look down at my hands on my lap and see the damage of the weekend prior, beach days, 

Classy Collaborations: Oasis and Victoria & Albert Museum

Classy Collaborations: Oasis and Victoria & Albert Museum

London’s Victoria and Albert museum is known for its beautiful 18th and 19th century art. The captivating botanical prints found in this museum, combined with master fashion brand Oasis’ chic cuts and clothing designs, brought the two together in high fashion collaboration. The featured prints 

Summer Trends: Pineapples

Summer Trends: Pineapples

“Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?” You know who. The same sponge that first got people talking about pineapples is who. (He’s not the classiest, and I was never the biggest fan, but you know who I’m talking about). Yet despite this increased