Before You Run Off For Some Fun In The Sun…


Especially now, with Hugh Jackman as an advocate, awareness in the consequences of dangerous sun exposure is definitely on the rise. Unfortunately, although many people know that unprotected sun exposure could have its consequences, what they fail to realize is just how frequently this happens. In the United States, 1 in 5 people will get skin cancer, and in Australia, where Jackman is from, the numbers are at a frightening 1 in 2. The sun is getting stronger, and now there’s a great new product on the market to help protect us from it, without the nuisances of traditional sunscreen.

Jackman launched Pure Sun Defense with all of the issues that people have with using sunscreen under consideration. It retails for an affordable price of less than $6, and is even child-friendly with fun characters on the bottle designs. Even more important than the aesthetic, this sunscreen is both hypoallergenic and dermatologist approved, and it is also suggested by the American Skin Cancer Foundation.


I tested two different bottles of Pure Sun Defense, featuring these adorable Minions and Marvel Superhero’s, and found it to be different than most other sunscreens that I’ve used in the past. First of all, the typical sunscreen smell is so faint that you might not even notice it. The lotion is not oily, and is simply absorbed by your skin once applied, and of course most importantly, it does serve its purpose. I wore it while out in the sun for a few hours and I’m happy to announce that I remained protected the entire time (and I have not turned into a lobster.)

If you’re looking for a new, affordable sunscreen, Pure Sun Defense definitely seems like the right way to go. Please protect yourselves from dangerous rays on your upcoming beach trips and outdoor excursions, taking care of your body is undeniably classy, and you won’t regret it.

Stay classy, xx!