Tag: healthy breakfast

Emerald Gemini Smoothie

Emerald Gemini Smoothie

All astrological serendipity aside – this smoothie is just as delicious as it looks.

Summertime Smoothie Bowl

Summertime Smoothie Bowl

With summer heat comes summer treats – and bonus points when they’re healthy enough that you can eat them for breakfast, snacks or dessert! With the weather warming up I find myself constantly looking for something cold to cool me down. This superfood smoothie bowl, 

Scrambled Egg Crowned Avocado

Scrambled Egg Crowned Avocado

Your morning routine sets the tone for the rest of the day. Ever snooze your alarm too many times and miss an important meeting? The rest of your day seems to follow suit with bad luck and you trying to catch up to your schedule. 

Organic Cinnamon Roll Chia Seed Pudding

You don’t have to go out to brunch to enjoy the best of what breakfast food has to offer. Save yourself the time and money by prepping your breakfast for the week in advance – and give yourself some bonus points for making something super good for your health.