So Let's Root, Root Root For The Home Team

So Let's Root, Root Root For The Home Team

If there’s one name that’s on the tip of every New York sports fan’s tongue, it is Steven Matz. Just this season, Matz made his debut as a major league baseball player and the starting pitcher for the Mets. Just 24 years old (I know 

The Flav-Er(ful) Pick-Me-Up You Need To Try

The Flav-Er(ful) Pick-Me-Up You Need To Try

If you’re like me, you know the importance of a delicious chocolaty cheat treat. You also know that one quickly turns into two, then three, then you decide to skip your workout because you don’t have the energy, and then you reward yourself with one 

Island Getaway: Martha's Vineyard

Island Getaway: Martha's Vineyard

To me, the summer is synonymous with three things: sunshine, beautiful weather and trips to the beach. As a Jersey girl, this has always been my summer reality. As a working NYC girl, this becomes slightly harder. Fortunately, there’s always the much-needed weekend beach trip 

Beauty From Beauty

Beauty From Beauty

Each day I come in contact with so many new beauty products that it can become overwhelming. Some have glamorous packaging and claim to do this or that but end up being nothing more than a sticky goopy mess, and others are somewhat plain and 

Late Summer/Fall Trends: Nude Heels

Late Summer/Fall Trends: Nude Heels

There’s something popping up all over red carpets and amongst the Hollywood glamorous again. Amidst colorful snakeskin heels and knee-high metallic leather gladiator sandals (the ancient Romans must be so proud), people are turning back to a classic look — with a simple nude heel. 

(Not So) Happily Ever After

(Not So) Happily Ever After

We can try to ignore it because we are upset, but Jennifer Garner has been in the news A LOT lately, and it is not just because “13 Going on 30” was added to Netflix. Garner and long-term hubby Ben Affleck recently made a joint 

Glam Gadgets: CardNinja

Glam Gadgets: CardNinja

Beautiful summer weather presents the perfect time to simmer down and get in touch with minimalist trends. We wear less clothing, eat less heavy food (or try to), use less makeup and hair products, and ideally, carry fewer things when on the go. My recent 

Trending: Jamberry Nail Stickers

Trending: Jamberry Nail Stickers

            It has happened to me countless times where I am sitting on an early morning train en route to work, half-asleep, when it hits me. I look down at my hands on my lap and see the damage of the weekend prior, beach days, 

Classy Collaborations: Oasis and Victoria & Albert Museum

Classy Collaborations: Oasis and Victoria & Albert Museum

London’s Victoria and Albert museum is known for its beautiful 18th and 19th century art. The captivating botanical prints found in this museum, combined with master fashion brand Oasis’ chic cuts and clothing designs, brought the two together in high fashion collaboration. The featured prints 

Good Morning, Sunshine

Good Morning, Sunshine

You know those days when you have an alarm set but wake up three hours earlier and cannot fall back asleep no matter how much you snuggle into your pillows and try to bargain with the sand man? Well, that happened to me today. I