Tag: love yourself

Go (Coco)nuts for Tropical Hawaiian Hydration

Go (Coco)nuts for Tropical Hawaiian Hydration

The weather is finally nice out and it’s time to break out the summer clothes. As the sun starts shining brighter and spring turns into summer (in just a few days!) we are going to start spending more time outdoors. Before we know it we’ll 

Let Body Positivity Shine This Spring

Let Body Positivity Shine This Spring

Spring is in the air here in London! The spring solstice officially took place this past weekend and the weather has definitely been celebrating the changing of the seasons. Warm and sunny 50 degree temperatures have been a most welcome change to the gloomy past 

Viva La Vive – The App That Is Going To Make Your Holiday Beauty Routine 100x Easier

Viva La Vive – The App That Is Going To Make Your Holiday Beauty Routine 100x Easier

I’m a self-admitted makeup junkie and proud of it. Even though for me there’s no such thing as a makeup bag, more like an overflowing set of three bags, shelves and counters with enough products to service two large families of females, or perhaps an 

Beauty From Beauty

Beauty From Beauty

Each day I come in contact with so many new beauty products that it can become overwhelming. Some have glamorous packaging and claim to do this or that but end up being nothing more than a sticky goopy mess, and others are somewhat plain and 

6 Tips for Avoiding Burnout

6 Tips for Avoiding Burnout

I know it’s not just my lifestyle that is constantly revving at a go-go-go pace. During the week, I jump from one project or job to the next, relaxing only during my commute or the spare hour that I might be able to carve out