Tag: travel

Up Up & Away

Up Up & Away

Today is the day I’ve been waiting for since middle school, the first time I ever travelled outside of the U.S. After hours and hours of packing, and unpacking, and repacking, and weighing, and unpacking, and strategically stuffing items from my checked bags into my 

Christmas In New York City

Christmas In New York City

It really is the most wonderful time of the year!

Many The Miles…

Many The Miles…

Distance has a way of defining people. It can restrict the accumulation of new experiences and perspectives, and at the same time it can cause one to realize how fortunate they are with what they have. To many, distance from a loved one translates to 

Now Inhale – Exhale

Now Inhale – Exhale

At what point does one come to realize that breathing is an art? Especially one that we don’t take the time out of our day to do correctly. Really, when was the last time you took a nice deep breath? Or even few moments for 

Miss Dior

Miss Dior

Her favourite was Dior.Watercolours drip on a baby canvasThe glossy Vogue advertisement reincarnateSimilar, but I knew the difference.It feels like flying,The brush strokes danced creating colour,Across the Parisienne skylineOr is it more like floating?Delicate fingers enlace the ribbon of future,Grasping tightly to what could be,Desperate