Tag: love life

Getting Glammed For New York Fashion Week

The six degrees of separation never ceases to amaze me. The theory was actually proposed by a Hungarian writer (how fitting!!) Frigyes Karinthy in 1929. It basically says that anyone on the planet can be connected to another person on the planet through a chain 

London ’16: The Adventure Begins!

London ’16: The Adventure Begins!

It’s been an exciting past few days! I arrived in London in the morning on Wednesday and have been “bogged down” with jetlag for the past few days. Fortunately I had English Breakfast Tea and conveniently stationed pubs to get me through it! I moved 

New York, I'm Honored

New York, I'm Honored

Musings from the top of the Empire State Building, Floor 102 A lot of times in life things seem to move so fast that we can barely catch our breath and find the energy to keep up. The incessant vibrancy and energy that the city