Tag: early birds

Good Morning, Sunshine

Good Morning, Sunshine

You know those days when you have an alarm set but wake up three hours earlier and cannot fall back asleep no matter how much you snuggle into your pillows and try to bargain with the sand man? Well, that happened to me today. I 

On the Dot

On the Dot

     Let me tell you something about being punctual. First of all, the last time I used the phrase “been more punctual” my friend laughed and he proceeded to muse about how only I would choose such diction over the more common, “on time.” Actually 



Stoop and a beer bottlecracks in relationshipsat the top of the bannisterhand upon lightersecond hand comfortcross-legged closed doortime to move on?crumbling pilescement and liesmorning birds chirp to each other on the stepbeer bottle and a stoop7:41 AM