Chicken Tikka Masala with Coconut Rice and Kontos Naan

Being away from London for a few weeks has already made me nostalgic for the city and its food. I stumbled across a can of Tikka Masala sauce while in the grocery store the other day and decided that paired with Kontos Naan, it would 

Dark Chocolate Dipped Orange Wedges

Orange ya glad it’s summer? Finally! Today marks the second official day of the hottest, happiest and most relaxed season. I’ve been focusing eating a balanced diet – meaning sometimes it’s good to make yourself a cheat treat! – and have been creating some super easy 

Okay Ladies, Now Let's Get In Formation

If you really want to lose weight and get fit, the most important factor is discipline. It’s crazy to think that every morning you will wake up at 6:30, put on your gym clothes and get your workout in before class and work. Each day 

Red Velvet NYC Makes Celebrating Life Easy

There’s always something to celebrate! Our minds and the media are always geared towards focusing on the negative. Too often we think of the things we want and don’t have instead of appreciating what we have been blessed with. When Red Velvet NYC reached out 

Salted Lemon Sweet Potato Chips

The first thing I like to do when coming home from a trip – especially a long one – is a quick detox of only healthy homemade snacks and meals. Arriving home from a month in Italy (posts are on their way, I promise!) I 

Cinnamon Sugar Crackle Cookies

Cinnamon Sugar Crackle Cookies

It seems to be a proven fact that whenever I get stressed I quickly gravitate to the kitchen. Making something cute and delicious out of just a few ingredients is a sort of catharsis for me and it gets me out of reality for a 

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

A huge part of my workout motivation is all of the delicious healthy food that I get to make to go along with it. I live for my two over easy eggs on a bed of spinach and rocket and avocado toast in the morning. 

Coconut Carrot Soup

Coconut Carrot Soup

Ever since getting my workout schedule in order I’ve been more inclined to make healthier eating choices. Of course, whenever I am traveling I make sure to spoil myself and order the dishes that look incredible and are a part of the city’s culture, but otherwise 

Baked Mediterranean & Parmesan Potato Wedges

Baked Mediterranean & Parmesan Potato Wedges

  I know I’m way behind on my posts… but this is for a good reason! Ever since moving to London my down time has been close to none, and that isn’t a bad thing. I’ve been doing so much exploring and cooking that I’ve 

Practically Perfect Porchini Mushroom Risotto

Practically Perfect Porchini Mushroom Risotto

Just a few simple ingredients can go a long way in a good risotto. The fluffy rice and porchini mushrooms make for a practically perfect pairing, and this risotto is the perfect appetizer or side dish, especially when accompanied by a nice white wine. I