Tag: travel diary

Prague, Czech Republic Day #2

It had never occurred to me that zoos in different parts of the world would hold varying animals. In the United States I had been to zoos in New York and Washington D.C. and the animals they housed did not differ too much. Only when 

Amsterdam, Holland Day #2

Amsterdam, Holland Day #2

Woohoo! Amsterdam day two! Thankful that we had gone to bed early, the next morning Ben and I were able to wake up a bit after the sunrise to a beautiful – and cold – day. The heat in the Airbnb was not working and 

Paris, France Day #1

Paris, France Day #1

Traveling to Paris has been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember. Great food, accents, museums and moustaches – the City of Light and Love always seemed like an incredible place to visit. I took French in school for 5 years, 

Oslo, Norway Day #2

Oslo, Norway Day #2

            I come from a family where vacation is basically a synonym for going somewhere warm, beautiful and ideally full of beaches. If you asked me a list of places I was going to travel before I came abroad, Oslo would definitely not have been 

Oslo, Norway Day #1

Oslo, Norway Day #1

It’s amazing how much you learn while traveling. Lessons on history, culture, convenience, life and yourself start to intertwine and create the magic that I find travelling to be. If you’re a well-seasoned traveler, you know how much meticulous planning each trip takes; booking transportation 

London ’16: The Adventure Begins!

London ’16: The Adventure Begins!

It’s been an exciting past few days! I arrived in London in the morning on Wednesday and have been “bogged down” with jetlag for the past few days. Fortunately I had English Breakfast Tea and conveniently stationed pubs to get me through it! I moved