Blowing Bubbles, Sparking Smiles

Blowing Bubbles, Sparking Smiles

     It has been a sad past couple of days for me, as most of the other interns at the boutique and award-winning PR firm I have been interning at in the Village have already left for the summer. As in the next few days 

Real Beauty is Natural #NoFilter

Real Beauty is Natural #NoFilter

     Jealousy. Bragging. Excitement. Habit. They all have one thing in common. They are the reasons why Generation Y is so obsessed with social media. The average person checks their phone every six minutes for goodness sake. I won’t deny that I just looked at my 

Thoughts During Yogilates

Thoughts During Yogilates

I know, right. CCG says she went to some classy yet made-up sounding
exercise class and wants you to take the time out of your day to read
about it. But actually…

Waiting for the Green Light

Waiting for the Green Light

     I know I’m not the only one who has those awful dreams where you’re running from someone or something terrible and cannot shout for help. These dreams keep me awake for the rest of the night with a knot in my stomach tugging 

When Life Gives You Coconuts…

When Life Gives You Coconuts…

     A few weeks ago I met up with some friends in Noho after work. Labeled with what one would perceive  as just a cute nickname, Noho perfectly represents the place that it stands for — the little area that is north of Houston Street. 

CCG On the Guest List

CCG On the Guest List

“This can’t be it,” I muttered to myself as I walked up to the door to check the number for the third time. Indeed, the white paint did feature the building number I was looking for, yet seeing it close up still didn’t convince me