Trudeau GIVEAWAY: (You Know You Want It)

Trudeau GIVEAWAY: (You Know You Want It)

Hi guys! In my last post I mentioned to stay tuned for Trudeau Giveaway details and I’m SO excited to say that the time has come! Class and the City teamed up with Trudeau Corp. to give you guys the opportunity to win these two 

Shopping: 5 Awesome Products That Give Back This Fall

Shopping: 5 Awesome Products That Give Back This Fall

NFL players are wearing pink socks and sweatbands. National “No Bra” Day just passed on October 2nd, and light pink ribbons tied on things everywhere. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, a worthy cause that everyone should get behind. I’ve rounded up five awesome ways 

Thank You, Mr. Lauren, For All That You Do

Thank You, Mr. Lauren, For All That You Do

With an iconic career dating back to 1967, the 75 year-old namesake and Founder of the Ralph Lauren empire of clothing, fragrances and accessories, is stepping down from his position as CEO. To many interested in the fashion industry, this news evokes emotion. Many fans 

Mothers. Daughters. Rebels. Suffragettes.

Mothers. Daughters. Rebels. Suffragettes.

When I received the invitation to attend the very first pre-release screening of Suffragette in the United States I was overwhelmed. Aside from those who had worked on it, I was among the first group of people to watch the film, as well as speak 

Who Run The World? #GLBLCTZNS

Who Run The World? #GLBLCTZNS

Last weekend in NYC has been a whirlwind of inspiration and advocacy for change. Pope Francis was in town, riding through Central Park on his “Popemobile,” speaking to the United Nations and giving a beautiful mass at Madison Square Garden. President Obama and Russian President Vladimir 

Fall Beauty: Peter Lamas Exfoliating Pumpkin Facial Scrub

Fall Beauty: Peter Lamas Exfoliating Pumpkin Facial Scrub

           We’re officially in the homestretch of summer! It’s time to go back to school but also to enjoy the last few weeks of warm weather while we can. It’s not quite time to switch up your morning coffee order to the seasonal and eternally 

On The Green: A Day At The Barclays

On The Green: A Day At The Barclays

            Before I start this post I have to admit something. Other than a few amateur lessons before I turned ten and a handful of medal-winning appearances at my grandma’s “Pitch & Putt” tournaments, my knowledge of golf is non-existent. 

B2S Series '15/'16: How To Land Your Dream Internship

B2S Series '15/'16: How To Land Your Dream Internship

            I’m a bit biased when it comes to landing an awesome internship. In addition to being driven and ambitious, I attribute a lot of my internship success to being at the right place at the right time, a.k.a. attending 

You Heard It Through The Grapevine

You Heard It Through The Grapevine

The past few days have been hot and humid in the city. The SoHo streets seem emptier than usual, and the shops and restaurants (and basically everything else with A.C.) seem to be prospering. I spent the morning at a meeting way Uptown and then 

Shhh, The NYFW Beauty Secret Everyone's Sipping On Backstage

This is not a drill. Fall 2015’s trendiest week in New York City (actually, the entire U.S.A.) is less than a month away. Oh yeah, this is exactly what you think. Mercedes-Benz Fall Fashion Week has crept up on us again (September 10-17). But this