If you guys have been following along with me on social media the past few weeks you’ve seen a preview of how awesome NYFW is. It’s a fun and trendy expression of art, philosophy and style that brings together stylish influencers and celebrities from all 

Product of the Week: Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus

When it comes to doing chores, we all have that one responsibility that gets “accidentally” pushed back until the next week, and the next week, and well, if you really had a say in it, it would probably never get done. It turns out that people who 

Sea Salt Caramel Banana Muffins

And so the banana baking trend continues on CATC! Since the banana bread was such a big hit last week, I stocked up on the ingredients again and was all ready to make a repeat. THEN I remembered that I had delicious hand-made sea salt 

Rethink Sweet With Cake Boss & Whole Earth Sweetener Co.

If you’ve been following along with me on Instagram (@felicia.czo and @theclassycookbook), then you saw that a few weeks ago I was at the Cake Boss Factory in Jersey City, decorating cookies with Buddy Valastro! It has been SO hard to not spill the beans 

Brava Banana Bread

Brava Banana Bread

It takes me by surprise each time, but bananas go bad so quickly. The day before heading back to school I bought a bunch and have been eating one every other day. (The Peanut Butter & Banana Overnight Oats use 1 banana for 2-servings!) The 

Peanut Butter & Banana Overnight Oats

As free time can be sparse during the week the more meal prep you can get done in advance, the better! I’ve started enjoying the wonders of overnight oatmeal – something that can be prepared up to three days before you’re ready to eat it. Not only are the oats incredibly filling, but this recipe is also packed with potassium, fiber and lots of natural sweetness. It is sure to help your day get off on the right foot!

Swap Bad Snack Habits For Healthier Weight Watchers Options This Fall

When it comes to planning my meals for the week, I like to prepare one day at a time. This includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and of course, snacks. I’ve started making overnight oats for breakfast and mason jar salads for lunch – I’ll be sharing 

Budapest, Hungary Day #2

The morning after the Sparty I woke up in a daze. The night prior had been so surreal, swimming and drinking in one of the oldest thermal baths and spas in the country to strobe lights and a DJ had been one of the most 

Pretty In Pink Recharge Smoothie

There are some days when I just can’t seem to get myself motivated. I’ll have a list of exactly what I need to do, but somehow manage to keep procrastinating until enough time has passed that there’s no way I will finish everything in time. 

Endless Summer Dip

As summer starts winding down – I know I know, let’s just not talk about it – it’s time to start penciling in the last few BBQs and get-togethers before the first cool fall wind. This healthy summer dip recipe has been my personal favorite